Tux Linux Slack-Kickstart Project
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# Slack-Kickstart-10.2 v06b 240906

  • Ssh support during installation;
  • Graphical interface for Kickstart configuration;
  • Standard Slackware kernels support;
  • Installation via FTP,HTTP,NFS and CD-Rom;
  • DHCP support;
  • NTP support;
  • PXE boot support;
  • Custom tagfiles & packages;
  • Secure system;
  • Post installation auto updates by slapt-get or swaret;
  • Custom post-install scripts;

  • MD5-SUM: a872217d930f09311a07c70f4fd8fe0e
    24/09/2006 Released Slack-Kickstart-10.2 v0.6b
    20/09/2006      09:50  Changed: /usr/lib/setup/setup
                            - Added:
                                    rm -f /mnt/PkgList.txt
                                    rm -f /mnt/CHECKSUMS.md5
    19/09/2006      16:00  Added Partition table sanity check in:
                            - /usr/lib/setup/CreatePartitions
    12/08/2006      11:00  Fixed CR in /etc/rc.d/rc.inet1
                            [ Default route message ]
    05/08/2006      18:30  Added FireBugInfo function in
                            - /usr/lib/setup/include/functions.inc
    05/08/2006      18:10  Fixed: /usr/lib/setup/Checklist
                            - Fixed $NTPHOST check (really!)
                            - Added 'none' option to ntp servers list.